A Momentous Time in Human History
By Betsy Whitfill
The whole world is in a period of rapid transformation…so rapid that many have given up trying to keep up with the changes in every aspect of life. Our institutions are breaking down under the assault of public demand for new ways of living based on justice and freedom. Why is it happening? Where is “normal”? How will this all turn out? Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!
The Challenge and Promise of Aquarius
As the late Benjamin Creme, author of 17 books and painter of the most extraordinary pictures, constantly reminded us, we are now in a new age — a new cycle in which our planet has moved into alignment with the constellation Aquarius. Astronomically, every 2,500 years or so, Earth is aligned with a particular constellation in the heavens. We call that period of alignment an age and define its qualities by the constellation with which our planet is aligned for that period. For the last 2,500 or so years, we’ve been aligned with the constellation Pisces; therefore all our institutions are saturated with idealistic, individualistic Piscean energy. We have aspired to freedom, justice, equality as ideals, but rarely has any country lived them for long, and most have corrupted them to serve the greedy and powerful.
Now, Aquarian energies are inspiring us to bring those ideals down to Earth, thereby initiating the next evolutionary stage of human development — synthesis and brotherhood. You can begin to see a pattern: Piscean-conditioned individuals insist that their ideals are the only worthy ideals, yet they’re increasingly challenged by the realities created by the new paradigm of unity in diversity. So here we are fighting amongst ourselves: the old ways of living and relating to each other (force and punishment) supported by familiarity, versus the new ways (cooperation and collaboration) yet to be formulated to meet the demands of the Aquarian young and the young in heart and mind.
Where might we find out how to develop these new ways to live? We’re finding that the ideologies of the past, no matter how idealistic, cannot resolve the social/economic/political/spiritual problems plaguing people today. Proponents of competitive capitalism and authoritarian socialism are still competing to become the solution, but as ideologies to be imposed on everyone according to the dictates of the few. The siren call for revolution has lured many into violent protests. Thrilling as it seems, it has only raised a fierce backlash from those whose livelihoods have been destroyed and loved ones murdered. Revolution is not a path forward. The only solution not yet tried is living according to the principle of Sharing, which is based on the realization that essentially all people require certain necessities: nourishing food, safe shelter, effective medical care and all the education needed for self-sustainment and development. It has been said that “Without a vision, the people perish.” Where is the outline of a vision that includes all of humanity?
A new chapter
Historically, at the beginning of each new age, God sends a teacher to humanity. Historically that teacher has taught the humanity of the time a great principle or law through a senior disciple living on the physical plane. There was Hercules, who taught that life is based on a great objective which is achieved through struggle. Vyasa taught that death is not the end of life. The Buddha taught that man’s suffering is the result of desire for material satisfaction. Sankaracharya taught the nature of the soul. Sri Krishna taught that all is God, and God is all. The Christ Maitreya, through his disciple Jesus in Palestine, taught about the Kingdom of God — that God is Love and the way to God is through love and service to man.
Now, at the beginning of the new Age of Aquarius, Maitreya has come — this time himself and way ahead of expectations. In June of 1945, at the end of WWII when the antichrist forces working through Japan, Germany and a few men in Italy were defeated, Maitreya announced that he himself was coming into the world as soon as humanity had gotten its house in order and had begun to create at least a measure of peace, and when the principle of sharing had begun to govern economic affairs. But we returned to our competitive, greedy ways of living, so it wasn’t until July 1977 that Maitreya said he could wait no longer and that he was coming, “ready or not.” “All else failing, I shall emerge into a world ready but unprepared” (Maitreya’s message #61). It was on July 19, 1977, that he entered London, England, and took up residence in the Asian community as an ordinary man.
Evolution of consciousness comes first
The Ageless Wisdom teachings, revealing the science and philosophy that underlie all traditions, provide a roadmap of the universal process whereby humanity evolves. It is consciousness that creates conditions in the world. The evolution of consciousness is based on two great laws — the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) and the Law of Rebirth (Reincarnation). Essentially, we are born into physical life repeatedly to learn to become harmless through trial and error and mental, physical and emotional pain and pleasure. These laws aren’t new, and in fact were essential teachings of the philosopher Origen of Alexandria, one of Christianity’s greatest theologians. He taught the theology of Jesus, but he was banned as a heretic in 543 by the emperor Justinian. Karma and reincarnation were eliminated from the early Bible at the second Council of Constantinople ten years later.
In 1888, Helena Blavatsky published her two-volume work The Secret Doctrine, thereby introducing the Masters of Wisdom and Maitreya to the West and re-introducing the Ageless Wisdom and the great laws of life. Within the same tradition, Blavatsky’s work was followed by Helena Roerich, who wrote the Agni Yoga books in the 1920s, and Alice A. Bailey, who wrote 27 books from 1919 until 1949, many of which were received from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul.
In the early 1970s, Benjamin Creme began his public career as the messenger for the emergence of the World Teacher, Maitreya. Having been prepared by his Master as described in his seminal book The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Creme agreed to make known the full, physical presence of the teacher awaited as the Christ by Christians, the Messiah by Jews, Sri Krishna by Hindus, the Mahdi by Muslims, as the Fifth Buddha — Maitreya Buddha — by Buddhists, and the World Teacher by esotericists. In lectures given by invitation in London, the U.S., and subsequently around the world, Creme announced that Maitreya had returned from his ancient retreat in the Himalayas and was living in the modern world, awaiting humanity’s invitation to present his credentials and to begin his mission: teaching humanity how to safely navigate this chaotic transition from Pisces to Aquarius, and inspiring us to build a new civilization based on justice, love, and brotherhood. From September 1977 to May 1982, Maitreya gave 140 messages through Creme, introducing himself and outlining his plan, his priorities, and fragments of his teachings.
Those who look for me in terms of my beloved disciple, the Master Jesus, will find his qualities in me. Those who look for me as a teacher are nearer the mark, for that is what I am. Those who search for signs will find them, but my method of manifestation is more simple.
Nothing separates you from me, and soon many will realize this. I am with you and in you. I seek to express that which I am through you; for this I come.
Many will follow me and see me as their guide. Many will know me not. My aim is to enter into the life of all men and, through them, change that life. Be ready to see me soon. Be ready to hear my words, to follow my thought, to heed my plea.
I am the stranger at the gate. I am the one who knocks. I am the one who will not go away.
- Message #10, November 1977
The saga of Maitreya’s mission as it progresses in time is a drama in itself. At Creme’s historic press conference in Los Angeles in June 1982, he reported that Maitreya was ready to go public, but that in order to respect human free will, our media — humanity’s representatives, according to the Masters of Wisdom — would need to at least try to look for him. The media did not respond. As a result, Creme launched rigorous travels around the world to give talks in person, on radio and television. In January 1986, Maitreya contacted the highest-level media representatives in London, who agreed to make an announcement that a man claiming to be the Christ was living in the Asian section of London. However, high level religious and government officials would not allow the announcement to be made.
In 1988, Maitreya’s appearance at Mary Akatsa’s healing service in Nairobi, Kenya, was reported by CNN Headline News anchor Mary Alice Williams and international media (in the UK by The Guardian, The Sun, BBC Radio 4). Kenya Times journalist Job Mutungi’s column about it was published in The Times of London.
Since then, reports of miracles of the Madonna, crosses of light, Maitreya’s forecasts for the future, and many more extraordinary events have been published in Share International magazine and elsewhere and sent in press releases to media throughout the world. Further, Maitreya has been appearing to individuals and groups all over the world. For over 30 years, readers of Share International magazine have written letters to the editor describing their meetings with Maitreya and his senior disciple, the Master Jesus. The drama continues, the work continues, and events in the world increasingly demonstrate the damage done due to the lack of a vision for humanity.
To those who would change the world
In the elite circles of successful business men and women, such as those in the tech industry and other influential worlds, many who feel driven to change the world find their idealism sabotaged by group-think and the heady material excesses of their environment. Some take up dangerous practices such as drug use and extreme physical abstinence in misguided attempts to overcome their physical limitations and connect on the alluring astral planes, or simply to escape. Many crash and burn, their idealism turned into depression and hopelessness.
In the circles of poverty and stifling authoritarianism, there are those who strive to live even without any hope of accessing the riches all around them. Those who can, take the perilous journey to other countries in search of the freedom to live without fear. But once there, many discover that the dream was just a dream.
Might these people, and those who fight for them, benefit from knowing of the one who has a plan for humanity’s survival, who knows their needs, speaks for them in the world’s halls of power, and who teaches the simple path to God? Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom send love, courage, healing, and miraculous wonders to uplift those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. And when they know we truly stand for peace, justice, right human relations, and sharing the world’s resources and are ready to do the needed work, they will be able to step forward without infringing our free will. New life is coursing through humanity. We are evolving. Help and guidance is at hand and needs only to be called in.
When I make myself known, I shall express the hope of all mankind for a new life, a new start, a readiness to change direction; to see the construction of a New World in which men can live in peace; can live free from fear of themselves or their brothers; free to create from the joy in their hearts; free to be themselves, in simple honesty.
- Message #8, October 27, 1977
The new world will be built by those whose hearts are aflame with love for their fellow men and women. Maitreya is lighting those flames.
Betsy Whitfill is a writer and speaker who has long worked with Share International.
More information about the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom into the everyday world can be found at Share-International.org. For a free monthly e-newsletter see share-international.us/newsletter/archive.