America’s Gift

Share International USA
3 min readApr 18, 2024


Different colored silhouettes of diverse peoples heads, facing different directions and overlapping colors.
Illustration 124940370 © Rodolphe Trider |

By Betsy Whitfill

Man is an emerging God and thus requires the formation of modes of living which will allow this God to flourish. How can you be content with the modes within which you now live: when millions starve and die in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when each man is his neighbor’s enemy; when no man trusts his brother? For how long must you live thus, my friends? For how long can you support this degradation? ~ Maitreya

Why take sides and get drawn into arguing about which social/economic system will provide equity, equality, justice when the solution lives within each human being? Systems can’t do anything. It’s the people…always the people who use and abuse any system. It’s not in our stars. It’s in ourselves. Socialism, Capitalism, Communism are ideals for organizing our societies, yet all have eventually caused human suffering at the hands of a few who manipulate the system for their personal power and aggrandizement. Can you not see this ploy, this falsehood that demands that whatever it declares as “progressive” and therefore “good” is good and progressive for everyone, everywhere, all the time?

There is an apocalyptic virus going around that makes people willing to either follow the leaders into the abyss — after which there is promise of a “New Beginning” — or to ignore or laugh at the prospect. But the danger is real. How can we rebuild the world after scorched earth devastation? Why not transform our thought pathologies before marching blindly into the abyss? Revolution, no matter how thrilling, only takes us back to square one with the same unenlightened leadership.

If there is one problem holding us back from our future survival, it is our practiced sense of separation: racial, religious, social, economic…you name it. This habit of opposition, although valuable for evolutionary progress in the sense that its eventual resolution reveals common ground, is being misused to embroil humanity in endless conflict. It’s effective because in this New Time, saturated as it is with the energies that promote synthesis and including the presence, for the first time in millennia, of the World Teacher Maitreya, our habit of opposition is in full out expression. He is the Lord of Love whose energy creates what he calls the “Sword of Cleavage.” That energy of attraction which we call Love brings all people together in very close relationship and nourishes all things to growth, but it’s a recipe for conflict unless handled wisely. If enough of us can see this broader perspective and fearlessly express it, the paper tiger of separation will collapse and we’ll see that all peoples essentially share common needs, common desires for safety and self development. We must choose to live higher, be inclusive and cooperative. Our survival depends on it. Evolution of consciousness is the key.

America’s mission in the world — and every country has a mission — is to exist as a melting pot in which all citizens, having emigrated from everywhere, learn to live together not as tribes, but as Americans serving the ideal of liberty and justice for all. The resulting rich tapestry of cultures, ideas and ideals can nourish the Light of Humanity that illumines the path for all.

Let’s vow this year to elevate our consciousness and serve Beauty and Truth, acknowledging that all men and women are one group which is Humanity; that all require the basic necessities to live; that all seek and need purpose in life. There is joy in the beautiful and the true.

Keep your eye on the Prize! The Prize is Humanity! ~ Maitreya

Betsy Whitfill is a long-time volunteer with Share International USA, a writer and speaker on esoteric spirituality and allied subjects.

More information about the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom into the everyday world can be found at For a free monthly e-newsletter see



Share International USA
Share International USA

Written by Share International USA

Share International Foundation is a non-profit that makes known the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher & promotes the idea of sharing the world’s resources

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