Where is Maitreya?

Share International USA
5 min readJul 21, 2024


Painted image of silhouette of a man standing in light on a road, heading towards the horizon with light paths splitting and heading off into the starry sky in different directions.
Image: Irinayeryomina | Dreamstime.com

By Betsy Whitfill.

Because we cannot seem to safely manage life on Earth, people are beginning to call to God for intervention! As readers of these pages know, Maitreya, the one sent to teach us in this new Age, has come in answer to our pleas for help, however phrased, and to show us the way out of our problems.

Those who read Share International magazine have seen the pictures and read the letters to the Editor, know that he is, in fact, living among us yet still working behind the scenes to ensure humanity’s future, as required by the law of human free will. But some are impatient and misunderstand the import of such an event. “If he’s here, why can’t I see him?” Maitreya is a Teacher. He embodies the Love of God on Earth. His stature is that of a Buddha, a Christ, Messiah, Krishna and others, depending on the tradition. Maitreya as he presents himself:

“I am the Lord of Love.”

“I am with you and in you.”

“I am in your heart as Love.”

“I seek to express myself through you.”

But, he adds, “if you chase after me, you will lose me.” So what is a person to do? “Man must act to implement his will,” says Maitreya. “Nothing will happen by chance.” When we take action to instill justice, not just protest injustice; when we act to promote the essential spirituality within each person, not just condemn manmade religious ideologies; when we act to reconstruct our institutions so that they reflect the facts of human interdependence and common basic needs for living, Maitreya may potentize those actions with his energy. He can then stimulate the hearts and minds of those who respond positively to your actions, thereby working through you to save the world. So, if you want to experience Maitreya, get to work and implement his priorities. Read the books, join a Transmission Meditation group, and live your life accordingly.

As we already know, the only solution to all of our problems lies in our willingness to take the first steps toward sharing resources among all peoples. There is even a blueprint for sharing!

Now is the perfect time to take action with people everywhere to demand the changes needed for the world to regain balance and for humanity to survive. These are Maitreya’s priorities.

1. Learn how to properly share resources and so create the trust needed for world peace. End all war forever.

2. Recognize the spiritual oneness of all humanity. All host the spark of Divinity as potential, which spark defines the essence of what it means to be human. End the impossible idea of humans as robots living under a “One World” totalitarian government.

3. Re-negotiate the framework of institutions to meet peoples’ common need for the basic necessities of life — nourishing food, safe shelter, effective medical care, plus the freedom and education needed to inspire all the personal development needed for self-sufficiency. End elitism as the cover for totalitarianism and greed.

4. Recognize personal responsibility. End the habit of thinking that anything is acceptable as long as we don’t get caught. Understand the concept of the basic Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) which educates us eventually to perfection. Requiem for a Nun is the source of one of William Faulkner’s best-known lines, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

5. Cultivate sustainable living based on mutual trust, caring, and interdependence. End last man standing competition as giving permission to usurp anything and everything whether needed or not. Suggest the Principle of Sharing on a world scale.

A blueprint for sharing

When men consider the principle of sharing, they almost always see it in personal terms. They visualize a situation in which they, personally, will be expected to give away considerable sums of money to far-off people whom they do not know, nor care to know. In fact, the principle of sharing can only be organized as a global process. (Bold added for emphasis.)

There are several ways in which this could be achieved, either partially or totally. We, your Elder Brothers, consider that the following is the most practical, the simplest and fairest method of all, one which, if adopted, would satisfy the greatest number. Each nation, we suggest, would be asked to make an inventory of all their resources and needs, what they produce themselves and what they are obliged to import. Then, each nation would be asked to put into a common pool that which they have in excess of their needs, forming a huge international resource from which all could draw. Naturally, the large developed nations would give a greater amount, but all would donate their un-needed surplus. This scheme appeals to us for its simplicity and fairness; it would, of course, take time to implement, but we foresee a time when it can be accomplished.

Many are the trained organizers and administrators for whom this work would provide a welcome service to the world. All would proceed under the aegis of a Master or at least a third-degree initiate, to safeguard the trust of all. Thus, at a stroke the curse of poverty and want would be ended. The hearts and lives of countless millions would be lifted into joy, and those who shared for the first time would find a happiness deep and satisfying, which perhaps they were afraid to know.

In this way only would be engendered the trust essential for the ending of war and terrorism. Without such trust there will never be peace. Without peace, the future for mankind would be bleak indeed. Therefore, some form of sharing is essential if we are to survive. When the majority of men realize this, the major problems of the world can be solved.

The principle of sharing is beginning to enter the minds of many groups throughout the world. Bit by bit men inch their way to this conclusion. Maitreya reminds all who hear him that sharing alone provides the solution to our troubles. Thus, as the weeks and months go by, men can be seen to grapple with their problems, and more and more find sharing to be the key to their future.

Let’s act!

Then let’s act — informally as likeminded people of goodwill, uplifting intentions for our future — taking to the streets of our cities and together holding a vision of humanity as one family, an expression of God on Earth. Freedom. Justice. Love.

On September 21 — the International Day of Peace — and for one week preceding, gather, march, carry signs and banners and bathe in the bliss of working for the Truth. We may then find someone in our midst chanting: “Keep your eye on the prize! The prize is Humanity!”

Betsy Whitfill is a long-time volunteer with Share International USA, a writer and speaker on esoteric spirituality and allied subjects.

More information about the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom into the everyday world can be found at Share-International.org. For a free monthly e-newsletter see share-international.us/newsletter/archive.



Share International USA
Share International USA

Written by Share International USA

Share International Foundation is a non-profit that makes known the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher & promotes the idea of sharing the world’s resources

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